Reflexology and the benefits
Reflexology is a gentle art, a fascination science and an extremely effective form of therapeutic foot massage that has been carved an impressive niche in the field of alternative medicine. It is a science because it’s based on the physiological and neurological study, it is an art because much depends on how skilful the practitioner applies their knowledge and the dynamics that occur between practitioner and patient.
Reflexology is a holistic healing technique and as much aims to treat the individual as an entity, incorporating body, mind and spirit. Reflexologists do not isolate a disease and treat it symptomatically, nor do they work specifically on a problem organ or system but on the whole person with the object of inducing a state of balance and harmony.
The art of reflex foot massage must not be confused with basic foot massage or body massage. It is a specific pressure technique that works on precise reflex points on the feet, based on the premise that reflex areas on the feet correspond with all body parts. Because the feet represent a microcosms of the body, all organs, glands and other body parts are laid out in a similar arrangement on the feet.
Nerve Function
Toxin Removal
Migraines and Headaches
Cancer Relief
Energy Levels
Nervous System Stimulation
Speeds Healing
Pregnancy and Menstruation
Studies have shown that reflexology can be very beneficial for pregnant women, particularly in terms of labour lengths and their need for analgesics during labour and post-partum recovery time. Beyond that, due to many of the health benefits already outlined above, it can reduce the chances of post-partum depression and can also help a woman’s body heal itself faster and get back to its normal metabolic activity quickly.